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:: Volume 2, Issue 1 (Spring 2023) ::
IJCA 2023, 2(1): 1-2 Back to browse issues page
Creativity in care: The need for nursing today
Sahar Khoshkesht
School of Nursing & Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (6154 Views)
The rise of emerging needs, the emergence of person-centered care, and the departure of care from conventional academic stereotypes, raises the need for evidence-based practice and efficient clinical reasoning in nursing. All this requires fluidity of mind and creativity in patient care. Given the importance of creativity in nursing care and its consequences at the individual and organizational levels, it seems necessary to address it.
Twenty-first century nurses face challenges such as different job opportunities, nurse shortages, negative effectiveness, workload concerns, system change, and increasing complexity of clinical practices (1). In these situations, they must be able to respond in a timely, effective, creative and flexible manner (2). Workload pressure, progress towards evidence-based performance, and challenging nature of the environment; It will lead nurses to express creativity (3).
Creativity in nursing care is a complex concept that has not been properly addressed. Creativity in the word means to create and is also used as a method of problem solving and decision making (5, 4). But what matters is that it is practiced in clinical nursing settings. Based on the review of texts, compliments and general conclusions, it can be concluded that creative nursing care means applying new thinking in the face of complex clinical interactions and practices and its application in nursing care by choosing new ways of care based on patient conditions and Or optimizing routine intervention methods to create useful, more efficient, safer, and cost-effective practices (6-8, 4). This requires creative vision, creative sensitivity and creative thinking.
Factors such as having a supportive clinical environment, having some personality traits such as motivation, love of work, sensitivity to surrounding issues, deep understanding of clinical problems, divergent thinking skills, having sufficient knowledge and experience and being purposeful can affect creativity in the clinic. Be transient (11-9).
Studies show that creativity in nursing in the clinic leads to facilitation and simplification of tasks, improving the quality, growth and development of the organization, and reducing the financial burden. It ensures the safety and comfort of the patient, companions and nursing staff and also increases organizational effectiveness, motivation and teamwork. In other words, from an organizational perspective, increasing productivity, reducing costs, providing better and higher quality services are the consequences of creativity in the organization. Increasing satisfaction, self-efficacy, pleasure of discovery, job rewards such as reducing workload and social rewards such as gaining fame and social respect and changing the attitude of officials, university and society towards the nursing community are other benefits of creativity (13-12).
All nurses can act as agents in changing processes and policies and using technology for cheaper community care. Creativity in nursing care leads to the development of better, higher quality and more cost-effective health care policies and practices. Therefore, methods of fostering creativity in care in nursing education should be considered.
Keywords: Creativity, nursing care
Full-Text [PDF 169 kb]   (1127 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/08/19 | Accepted: 2020/09/26 | Published: 2020/10/31
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Khoshkesht S. Creativity in care: The need for nursing today. IJCA 2023; 2 (1) :1-2
URL: http://ijca.ir/article-1-116-en.html

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